Shane Riggs-Managing Editor
Johnstown Magazine -December 2022
I have a question to ask that I think I actually already know the answer to.
Who doesn’t like Jimmy Stewart?
You must be some kind of “Mr. Potter Angel-Wing-Clippin’- Rope Tyin’- Poetry Hatin’ – Invisible Rabbit Killer” not to have a smile inducing expression on your face when the very mention of this beloved actor’s name is mentioned.
In and even after his lifetime, Jimmy Stewart represented “everybody.” He was the leading man, yes, but he was also “every man.” In his George Bailey we can see ourselves – struggling with the big questions of life. What kind of legacy am I leaving? Has my life even mattered? What kind of impact have I made on the world? His portrayal of a man on a literal bridge doubting his worth is something we can all probably see in ourselves. Who among us has not been on our metaphorical bridge questioning our choices and our influence? By contrast, how many of us can say that in our moments of great isolation we have not wished for our own Harvey? Who has not attended an engagement party and found the notion of an entire formal evening devoted to the devoted a little absurb? Who has not wanted to put on a ten-gallon cowboy hat and ride off into the sunset?
Yes. I thought as much.
You see, Mr. James Stewart was so much more than an actor, than a celebrity. He was all of us. In more than 80 movies, he was not acting as much as he was mirroring what we all think and feel. At different points in his life, his characters evolved – just like the actions and experiences we go through in our own lives change and mature us – and sometimes sway our opinion and our self-identity. For probably that reason, I have never met anyone who opened a conversation with “You know what I don’t like about Jimmy Stewart?”
It seems a common sense notion then that a monument to this “Every Man” should be located in his hometown – just a short trip north of Johnstown – in Indiana, Pennsylvania. And it seems a no-brainer that this magazine should spend some time there – especially this time of year – when It’s a Wonderful Life permeates our very existence. There’s a reason this movie remains a perennial favorite. Yes, it’s the feel-good message of redemption and a perfectly flawed human being coming to terms with his spiritual self. But let’s face it, the longevity of this film also speaks to the often understated magnetism of its leading actor.
Through his movies, his television appearances, his service to country, his friendships with political influencers, and even his poetry, Jimmy Stewart was a man – and a personality – who was always admired and continues to be celebrated. Think about this – he would socialize with the likes of Fonda and Hepburn and yet at his father’s request, his Oscar statue was on display in a downtown Indiana hardware store for decades!
If you ask me, I think the world would be a much better place – more united, more hopeful and happier — if we had more examples like him guiding our culture. Yes, what the world needs now is “love sweet love” but we sure could use another Jimmy Stewart. Don’t you think?
Thank you for your very timely essay. Yes… what the world needs now is more examples like Jimmy Stewart to guide our culture to the better place that’s waiting for us. And we will get there when we finally learn not just that our lives matter but that everyone else’s do too!
That’s what George Bailey felt. It’s why he helped so many people have a decent place to live (instead of having to live in a run down place controlled by Mr. Potter).
Jimmy was one of my main role models growing up (I”m 68 now), and I continue to do my best to offer people hope by my daily actions and as well as my long-range plans. Having recently retired to a small town on Route 66 in Oklahoma, I’m building my own museum that will celebrate the positive side of the “Spirit of America” that Jimmy embodied.
Thanks again for what you wrote!
I didn’t know him upto this moment but maybe if I watched his film with a little bit color recorded, is he with base voice ? But I loved his heart his personality is adorable as O read above written by the director, anyways is he alive ? I am so happy reading about beautiful soul, mind and his humanness . But I don’t think so he doesn’t have other people like him he has so many people like him , I know that he’s proud of them will be excited. I want to be like him am trying because it’s my purpose that I am created for.
I took my family this past week to see many historical sights, Gettysburg, National Archives (Declaration of Independence and the Constitution), the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall and then to top off the trip we stopped at the Jimmy Stewart museum in Indiana,PA. It was here where we learned just how great and honorable Jimmy truly was and that he was a real American hero. James M. Stewart is missed, but with places like the Jimmy Stewart museum he will not be forgotten. He was and is an example of a real man, a loving father, a patriot and a decent human being. He is still impacting the future through his legacy. My family throughly enjoyed learning about Jimmy the man (beyond the actor) and found this museum a perfect fit in our trip to visit and honour our founders and other heroes. Jimmy Stewart had more than a Wonderful life, he’s had a wonderful impact on my life and my family’s. The Jimmy Stewart museum should be on everyone’s must see list.
Thank you SO much for visiting us! People like you help us keep the legacy of Jimmy Stewart alive.
Superlative commentary! Well put! I will be adding his museum to my bucket list, Thank you.
I recently bought a book a t a flemarket in south Florida, Broward county. It is called An officers DC
by captain Ralph m Parker published in 1917. (WW2). When I got home opened the cover page it stated. ALEXANDER M STEWART Capt. U.S.R. Am Ord Base Depot in France. I think it says #920 F at Washington D.C. I am a extensive collector of military objects. I am looking to preserve. I have never done a book with the uv or museum paper. I WOULD also love if it was displayed with my name on it I am sort of antique archeologist. ANY HELP WOUD BE MUCH APPRECIATED. I would have sent a picture but it seems like you can’t thanks again God bless 🙏
Certainly what Jimmy Stewart represented is everything that we are lacking in our society now. I can’t imagine what he think of what is going on these days. To think of Jimmy Stewart is to think of good days that have gone by and hopefully can return. They don’t make Heroes like this anymore. I hope more promotion can be done for this wonderful little Museum. Thanks for keeping it going! And well wishes to the Stewart Clan. I’ve been out there several times and look forward to returning again. Such a beautiful area it’s tough to leave.